Jimmy's Iced Coffee Mocha

250ml - 41mg / 100ml
Can manufactured by Ball

There’s some debate about whether iced coffee is an energy drink or not but for the case of this collection I’m deciding that they are.

This is pretty much a carbon copy of the original Jimmmy’s Iced Coffee can save for a label and colour change, but I still think it looks quite good, or even slightly better as brown is the colour I’d expect to be used for an iced coffee drink.

This contains a little less caffeine than the original variety, presumably because this one contains more milk and less coffee and it also has to drop the “Under 100 calories” claim.

Coffee + Chocolate

Belgian Choc. + Coffee

Arabica Coffee sourced from Huila, Colombia

Keep your chin up!

The chocolate + coffee one

Extra Information
Purchase Date:
6 Jun 2021
Best Before Date:
9 Mar 2022
Catalogue Date:
1 Jan 2020