Monster Ultra Black

500ml - 30mg / 100ml
Can manufactured by Canpack

This is a Monster Ultra can that I hadn’t seen until relatively recently. When placed with its Ultra siblings it has a very different feel, somewhat more dynamic, like the bad-boy of the group. The only one I have so far to feature a colour other than it’s main body and silver, the red on this one really brings out the dynamic feel of the strong geometric pattern which has a tattoo-like feel to it. I really like the way this can looks and the sort of feeling it invokes.

I think this is also the only Monster Ultra can in the collection to give away its actual flavour anywhere on the can.

At the height of summer on the other side of the Atlantic, the small town of Traverse City, Michigan calls itself the “Cherry Capital of the WOrld” when half a million people show up for harvest in July. No prizes for guessing you gotta get ’em while you can.

Luckily, we’ve found a way to capture that perfectly ripe flavour & bring it to you all year long! Monster Energy Ultra Black: refreshingly light with zero calories, zero sugar & packed with out Monster energy blend,

Extra Information
Purchase Date:
4 Mar 2021
Best Before Date:
31 Dec 2022
Catalogue Date:
1 Jan 2020
Storage Box: