Monster Ultra Blue
30mg / 100ml
Can manufactured by Canpack
Monster have been heavy sponsors of extreme sports, as have other energy drink manufacturers but this can is clearly a nod to their winter sports sponsorships. This can switches up the swirly floral designs of the other cans with sharp, angular ice crystal structures, each tipped with a mini monster logo. On this can along with the feel, the texture also gives a frosted look to match the theme which is a nice touch.
Aspen, Chamonix, Park City, Whistler, Mammoth … the list goes on. The competition & training circuit takes the team on some epic snow trips.
In honour of those mountain towns comes Ultra Blue. Best served ice cold from the frosty can, Ultra Blue is a little less sweet and lighter-tasting with zero calories and a full-load of our Monster energy blend.
From first chair to last call …
Unleash the Ultra Beast!
Extra Information
- Best Before Date:
- 31 Oct 2022
- Catalogue Date:
- 1 Jan 2020
- Storage Box:
- 8