Monster Ultra

500ml - 30mg / 100ml
Can manufactured by Ball & Canpack

My early experiences when energy drinks became popular, while I was at University, was that Red Bull was expensive and Relentless was larger and cheaper, then along came Monster. Since then where most cans have stayed the same, Monster and Relentless have engaged in a battle to become the most intricate and artistic energy drink can.

The Monster Ultra line is a great demonstration of this, with each can being its own amazingly detailed work of art of varying styles. As well as being visually interesting these cans are also interesting to the touch as they’re all also specially textured with the texture matched to the artwork.

Monster don’t give away what flavour their drinks actually are, preferring to leave it unsaid and just semi-explained via a little blurb on the back of the can:

Some people are impossible to please. As soon as they get what they wanted they always want more. Our team riders and Monster Girls are no different … they’ve been dropping some hints lately.

They’ve been asking us for a new Monster drink. A little less sweet, lighter-tasting and zero calories, but with a full load of our Monster energy blend.

Sure, white is the new black. We went all out: Monster Energy Ultra

Unleash the Ultra Beast!

As much as that sort of writing annoys me I really love the design of this can. It’s so incredibly detailed in a contemporary floral wallpaper, fairytale vines or almost paisley style that I adore and the texture add that extra element.

I have one of these cans, manufactured by Canpack instead of Ball, which has a much more pronounced texturing effect, to the extent that you can see the difference in a photo. Click the last image in the gallery to see that version.

Extra Information
Best Before Date:
31 Mar 2023
Catalogue Date:
1 Jan 2020
Storage Box: