Power Energy Shot
40mg / 100ml
Can manufactured by Ardagh
I kind of like this can. I think it’s designed to look sort of like a battery which I know is a trope that’s been done a number of times for energy drink can, I even do the electrical energy motif with the lightning in this very website’s header image. I think this is the most languages I’ve seen on one can being quadrilingual making the info text quite small and I think that somewhat helps the graphic design, causing the text to almost disappear to a casual eye. I’m not really sure what the double-W in the middle of the name is for and whether I should have labelled this as “Powwer Energy Shot” but I think it’s trying to convey energy with both the pattern and the bold points of the double-W. The scratches around the rest of the word are part of the design, not damage to the can and add to a sort of video-game asset feel to this can. One last point I like is the “High Caffeine Level” warning stylised as a high voltage warning with is a nice touch.
Extra Information
- Best Before Date:
- 4 Jul 2019
- Catalogue Date:
- 1 Jan 2020
- Storage Box:
- 9